industrial design Certificates


证书是一个高度集中的学习项目,可以直接获得专业领域的技能. 证书旨在支持专业人士和高级学生在他们的领域保持当前状态, develop new skills, 或者在一个专门领域获得专业知识. 证书提供了访问当前和相关的高度专业化的主题,使学生可以扩大知识基础, advance a career, or update a professional profile.

Certificate programs in the 建筑与设计学院 是相当专注的,大多数可以在不到12个学分和不到一年的时间内获得. 证书课程对客座学生或作为学位授予计划一部分注册的学生开放. 转学生可以将部分转学分用于获得证书. 在校生可以使用一定比例的专业必修课程来完成证书课程.

目前,CoAD提供本科和研究生证书 Building Information Modeling (BIS) , a graduate certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) , a graduate certificate in Public Interest Design ,并获得本科学位证书 Design Thinking .


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Undergraduate or Graduate, Online

利记sbo的建筑信息模型(BIM)可在网上获得, 作为本科生和研究生的证书. 它涵盖了建筑信息建模和计算机可视化, 这两者在建筑中都扮演着越来越重要的角色, specifically building design, construction, and operation. 借助先进的计算机软件, 建筑信息建模和计算机可视化使用3D建模技术,集成了建筑的组件-属性, location, geometry, spatial relationships, etc. 使用BIM软件可视化项目的能力提高了整个建筑过程的生产力,并改善了建筑师之间的沟通, engineers, contractors, and other key team members, 使项目更加高效和经济.


ARC 5023 - BIM Fundamentals

ARC 5033 - BIM for Building Systems

ARC 5043 - BIM的能源和生态

ARC 5053 - BIM Programming & Prototyping

Application Requirements

Completed Application

Official Transcripts



ARC 2843 - BIM Fundamentals

ARC 3843 - BIM for Building Systems

ARC 4813 - BIM for Energy and Ecology

ARC 4843 - BIM Programming & Prototyping

Application Requirements

Completed Application

Official Transcripts

Please contact Kalie Davio at kdavio@xyhabit.com for more information.


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Graduate, Online

地理信息系统(GIS)证书为学生提供了了解建筑环境的机会,从而可以为专业学位增加价值和重点,并丰富利记sbo的一般教育. 证书课程推进可视化, mapping, spatial analysis, thematic diagrams, 以及其他支持城市设计的基于gis的技术和技能. 课程内容包括GIS在城市设计中的方法、理论、原理、实践和应用.

The program consists of three subject area components: quantitative methods in urban design and visual communication (theory focus); advanced GIS, urban design methods, and simulation & prototyping (practice focus); and GIS practicum (application).


Theory [5 credit hours]


ARC 5813 - Visual Communication

Practice [8 credit hours]

ARC 5673 - Advanced GIS

ARC 5742 - Urban Design Methods

ARC 5823 -Simulation & Prototyping

Application [2 credit hours]

ARC 5672 - GIS Practicum

Application Requirements

Completed Application

Official Transcripts


Please contact Kalie Davio at kdavio@xyhabit.com for more information.

Public Interest Design Certificate

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Graduate, Online

公共利益设计证书为学生提供了一个了解建筑环境的机会,这样它可能会增加专业学位的价值和重点,并丰富利记sbo的一般教育. 证书课程促进了对社会负责的设计理念和技能. Coursework covers methods, theories, principles, practices, policies, 公共利益设计的实施策略.

The program consists of three subject area components: introduction to community development (theory focus); public interest design, design ethics, and adaptive reuse and rehab (practice focus); and urban studio (design strategies).


Theory [2 credit hours]

ARC 5852 -社区发展简介

Practice [6 credit hours]

ARC 5242 - Public Interest Design

ARC 5812 -适应性再利用和修复

ARC 6002 - Design Ethics

Design [4 credit hours]

ARC 5714 or 5724 - Urban Studio

Application Requirements

Completed Application

Official Transcripts


Please contact Kalie Davio at kdavio@xyhabit.com for more information.

Certificate in Design Thinking

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Undergraduate, On Campus

设计思维证书为学生提供了了解产生创新成果的思维结构和方法的机会, 在应用设计以外的领域增加专业学位的价值. 证书课程不以工作室为基础, 在发展沟通的同时不需要可视化技能, discovery and intentionality. 作为建筑与设计学院的非工作室课程, 这个证书拥有一个独特的位置,强调思维能力比物理工艺. 通过降低对视觉沟通能力的期望, 证书课程开放设计教育的学生谁将受益于智力技能,但由于缺乏图形设施或能力的限制.


Lecture/Seminar [3 credit hours]

DES 1113 - Creative Methodology

Workshop (Analytic) [3 credit hours]

DES 3123 -创新案例研究


DES 3133 - Applied Innovation*

*Two semester course - 1.5 credits per semester.

Application Requirements

Completed Application

Official Transcripts

Please contact Kalie Davio at kdavio@xyhabit.com for more information.

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